Author Guide  click here

Submission Checklist
Your article

    Structure – Ensure the submission is structured as requested by the journal and contains all relevant sections. See 'Preparation of Manuscripts' for further details.
    Title page – All submissions must have a title page stating all of the relevant information. See 'General' for further details.
    Format – All submissions should follow the journal guidelines for word count, page margins, and line numbering. See 'General' for further details.
        Reported data – Data accuracy is crucial. Authors are strongly encouraged to double-check all reported data for accuracy and to confirm that all units of measurement are correct and consistent.
    References – Please see ‘References’ for full details of the journal’s required style.
    Graphics – All figures and tables should be presented in a clear and informative manner with accompanying legends.
    Ethical compliance – All articles are required to meet the requirements outlined in our ethical policy. Ensure you have included all relevant ethical approval statements.

Before submitting
•    Approval – Ensure all authors have seen and approved the final version of the article prior to submission. All authors must also approve the journal you are submitting to.
•    Open access – The appropriate open-access option must be selected on submission. Authors are responsible for ensuring any funder mandates are followed. For further details, please see the open-access policy.

Uploading your submission
•    Author list – All authors must be listed on the title page and entered on the Scholar One Manuscripts submission in the correct order. Ensure all author email addresses provided are valid.
•    Cover letter – This letter should introduce your paper and outline why your work is important and suitable for publication at this time.
•    File formats – Ensure all files are in the correct format for revised submissions. See ‘General’ for further instructions.
•    Figures and tables – Ensure all figures and table files are present and correct.

Manuscript Categories
Authors are encouraged to use the IJCE Microsoft Word template to prepare their manuscript. Using the template file will substantially shorten the time to complete copy-editing and publication of accepted manuscripts. The total amount of data for all files must not exceed 120 MB. If this is a problem, please contact the Editorial Office . Accepted file formats are:

Manuscripts prepared in Microsoft Word must be converted into a single file before submission. When preparing manuscripts in Microsoft Word, we encourage you to use the IJCE Microsoft Word template file. Please insert your graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) in the main text after the paragraph of its first citation.

All research submissions should be formatted in the following sections:
1. Title Page
Include a separate title page with:
•    Title (maximum 85 characters)
•    All authors names and full addresses
•    Corresponding author’s postal and email address
•    A short title (maximum 46 characters, including spaces)
•    A minimum of five keywords describing the manuscript
•    Word count of the full article, excluding references and figure legends
2. Abstract
The abstract should be a single paragraph of not more than 300 words, clearly stating the objective of the study or review, the methods used (where applicable), and summarizing results and conclusions.  Avoid abbreviations and references in this section.
3. Introduction
The introduction should set the study in context by briefly reviewing relevant knowledge of the subject; follow this with a concise statement of the objectives of the study.