
Ramadi city is one of the cities, which needs to a comprehensive
transportation studies because of the change in the economic and social state of
the population. This change cause an increasing in the number of population and
the proportion of owns the vehicle, thus increasing the number of trips, thereby
making them suffer jamming in the transportation network at peak hours.
For purposes of this study, the city were divided into 18 zones in which
data has been collected for special statement makers trips (the rate of income,
vehicle ownership,...... etc.), the purpose of the trip, and the characteristics of
transportation modes (the time of trip, the cost of the trip ,.... ... etc).
A model was building for the purpose of the trip (shopping trip, working
trip, and education trip) to predict the percent of contribution of each type of
transportation modes for trips attraction to the city, by finding of the relationship
between them and the characteristics of trip ,trip-makers and transportation
modes. a strong linear equations where found after analysis by multi-linear
regression and these equations can be used in the future forecasting for the city.